Sunday, March 15, 2020

How to Get Started in Your Career After Graduating College

How to Get Started in Your Career After Graduating CollegeAfter graduating college, building a career isnt an easy thing to do. And when youre just starting out, its hard to hone the kind of perspective one gains over the course of a long career. If youve ever wished you could get the wisdom of a work life well lived before you have to live through all of it and earn that wisdom by making a ton of mistakes, then look no further. googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) Here are 10 career strategies everyone just starting out should know. So save yourself the heartache and the hard lessons, and just skip to the growth and success part.1.Only you can advocate for yourself.You may think you just have to keep your head down and wait for the promotions and raises and career opportunities to happen to you, but you should realize early and keep in mind that the planning and execution of your career is ultimately your responsibility and no one elses. Rem ember you are in the drivers seat. Stop assuming and start asserting earlier than you think youd need to.2. Find your meaning.Its no coincidence that the word meaning includes the word me. Only you can set yourself on a career path that means something to you and includes work that you find important and fulfilling. Now is the time to make the choices that will determine how much you love your work. Remember that stability, security, and income matter, but professional fulfillment matters so much more. Ward off burn-out and unhappiness now by choosing something you care about and worrying less about the outside benefits. Let your priorities dictate the course of what you do.3. Caring will bring about success.When were invested in what were doing, we end up doing better work. Once youve picked something you like, make sure to keep learning and keep yourself interested, because it will mean that you devote yourself to tasks with more care and attention. Youll get more done, and better .4. Bad situations dont get better.If youve landed yourself in a situation with a toxic boss or a dysfunctional work environment, know when to say enough is enough. Get the courage up to take a leap into something better, and trust that everything else will sort itself out once you do.5. Be your best in times of crisis.Your true character just might be best revealed when the chips are down and the situation is fruchtwein dire. Keep this in mind in times of crisis. Figure out how youll show up when the going gets tough, and set a tone for the kind of person and employee youll be throughout your life. You never know when you might deeply impress the right observer in a position to change the course of your career.6. Dont be selfish.Skyrocketing to successor even climbing slow but steadyis one thing. But dont forget that youre not the only one in the world wanting to move upwards. Sometimes the rise is even sweeter when you help somebody else up with you. Pay it forward and look out fo r people other than yourself.7. Embrace originality.Dont be arrogant, but dont leave your uniqueness and originality under a bushel. Speak up, voice your ideas, speak your passion. You wont get anywhere by sitting in the background. Have the guts to take the risk and put yourself out there in the world.8. Aim to do the right thing.Dont just do what you think you have to do to succeed. Stand up for what you know is right. Comport yourself with integrity. Take the extra time and energy to riddle out what the best and most honest thing would be and devote yourself to doing it. Its called integrityand it doesnt suffer puncture wounds. Its worth building and maintaining, and can become one of your most precious assets.9. Not taking risks is the biggest risk.You have to have skin in the game to win the game. A ship in the port may landseem safe, but isnt. Ships are meant to sail. So get your little boat out there and see what you can do. Learn from your mistakes and find a way to be magni ficent, rather than mediocre.10. Leave something better behind you.A legacy can be a beautiful thing. Its never too early to think about the kind of mark youd like to leave on the world. When your life and career are over, what sort of things do you want to hear said about your contribution? What kind of imprint do you want to leave behind? Start thinking how to shape your legacy while you have your whole career before you. Just think what you could accomplish if you put your mind to it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

How to Write Strong Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ) - Jobscan Blog

How to Write Strong Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ) - Jobscan BlogPosted on April 19, 2018September 28, 2018 by Sarah Landrum Thinking about what to write for your executive core qualifications (ECQ) sets your nerves on edge. You want to represent your best professional self in your narratives, and the key to doing this is outlining your fruchtwein significant accomplishments in specific, yet concise detail.What are Executive Core Qualifications (ECQ)?ECQs consist of the followingECQ 1 Leading Change consists of demonstrating creativity and innovation, external awareness, flexibility, resilience, strategic thinking and vision.ECQ 2 Leading People consists of demonstrating conflict management, leveraging diversity, developing others and team building.ECQ 3 Results Driven consists of demonstrating accountability, customer service, decisiveness, entrepreneurship, problem-solving and technical credibility.ECQ 4 Business Acumen consists of demonstrating financial, human capital and te chnology management.ECQ 5 Building Coalitions consists of demonstrating partnering, political savvy and negotiating.ECQs arent just guidelines, theyre requirements to enter into the Senior Executive Service. They set a standard of competency necessary for building a corporate culture at the federal level, which is results-driven, serves customers, and constructs teams focused on success, forming coalitions inside and outside a given organization.unterstellung are used by various agencies and departments to ascertain leadership development, performance management and selection.You should consider your executive potential and expertise when developing your ECQs as they were designed to measure mora than technical proficiency. Your ultimate performance strongly depends on your competencies in these ECQs, and you must demonstrate expertise in all five competencies.Composing and Organizing Your ECQsAs of 2015, the White House released an Executive Order (EO) to reform particular action i tems, opening up acceptable materials to shorten the application process. For example, agencies with 20 SES and up were expected to submit plans to rotate SES members for member delivery, talent growth, and collaboration, with a goal of 15% SES member rotation for 120 days at least. ECQs are still relevant and expected, but the process may differ slightly. Here are six tips to help you write strong ECQs and be prepared.1. Use the CCAR MethodOpen your statement with a summary highlighting your executive experience. When tackling each accomplishment, it helps to use the Challenge-Context-Action-Result (CCAR) methodChallenge What is the specific challenge, goal or objective?Context Who did you work with and in what environment to find a solution?Action What specific actions did you take?Result What did you accomplish? Give a specific example or explanation.2. Developing CompetenciesAnalyze how you honed your experience over the course of your career, from personal accomplishments to te am-based and organizational-based. How did you look for leadership opportunities, seek out mentorship, or submit pieces for publication? What were the results?These considerations are all relevant to your ECQs based on the results you achieved and how. What do others think of you as a leader?As you use the CCAR method, these considerations will inform your competencies as you go about detailing how you lead change, lead people, drive results, and build and leverage technical credibility. Integrating this into a 5- to 10-page document is challenging with 28 competencies to address. Barbara Adams, President and CEO of SESWriters advisesECQs should include the emotional intelligence of how an executive used their strategic vision, resilience, building coalitions, managing conflict, incorporating their actions and behaviors that led to support each of the 28 competencies within the 10 stories required in a set of ECQs. This is the hard part because the executive needs to reveal the way they handle situations to achieve positive results. Each of the 28 competencies must be addressed in the appropriate ECQ or risk the QRB (Qualifications Review Board) denying ECQ Certification.3.Formatting Your ECQLike your other application materials, the format of your ECQ is vital for holding the attention of the review committee. If your formatting is less than professional or comes off stilted, it reflects on you as a candidate. Consider the following on how to format your ECQEach ECQ should not go over two pagesUse the first-person I point-of-view instead of third-personMake each example easy to read and concise, breaking up paragraphsKeep sentences short and to the pointWhite space helps make your ECQ scannableDont use acronyms, unless citing multiple times, to achieve brevityUse bold and italics to indicate critical detailsTimes New Roman, 12-point font is best a classic typeface such as Helvetica is also acceptableNumber each pageDont use attachments reviewers shouldnt ne ed to dig to find your experienceLeave off attachments of awards and certificatesThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers examples in Word and PDF documents of ECQs for the Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program. The examples display an excellent use of headers to identify competencies, breaking up paragraphs, utilizing white space and bullet points and addressing ECQs with brevity.4. Use Proper ToneYou dont want to get chatty in your ECQ, nor do you want to be too formal. Do not use slang. Be professional with a friendly tone.Do not use passive verb forms. Passive language is associated with formality from youth, but the reviewers will see many ECQs. Hold their attention. Choose active verbs and combine them with the first person point-of-view.schwimmbad The restructuring of our team personnel eliminated the need for extra supervisors and was named this candidates best contribution to the company because it saved a lot of money and made workers feel more sat isfied with their job.This example is lengthy, vague, and fails to use the I point-of-view.Better I reorganized five teams of personnel into one and eliminated the need to hire three additional supervisors, ultimately saving the company $150,000 and boosting performance by 18 percent.This improved example uses specific data points to illustrate the candidates accomplishment and how they achieved it from their point-of-view. Its also concise and to the point.5. Dont DeviateIts easy to get carried away when youre in the flow of writing. Dont focus too heavily on technical and managerial abilities only to find out you left out your leadership experience.Make leadership your number one focus and dont deviate once on topic. Here are additional tips to considerDemonstrate relevant experience across every ECQ.Use the Challenge-Context-Action-Result model.Each job experience listed should detail specific accomplishments.Dont skip over fundamental and relevant competencies within your ECQ na rratives.Dont combine ECQs. Brevity is beneficial, but not at the price of your reviewers confusion.Always focus on education, experience, and training within the last 10 years, since some reviewers think experience over 10 years old is irrelevant.ECQs should never reference other applications materials, such as see resume.Switch up your types of examples, such as saving the company money or establishing new, effective policies.Dont create a grocery shopping list out of your ECQs that have no context or details.Detail your vision for the company, not your personal take.Non-federal experiences are relevant if they support a particular ECQ, such as professional organizations, volunteer work, and nonprofits positions.Only highlight awards and items of recognition as linked with the related ECQ.You may include formal training and education if it enhanced your skill-set in any give ECQ.Give examples and details of special assignments.While you dont want to overpower your leadership infor mation, adding in special qualifications can enhance and support your ECQs, including languages, public speaking engagements, publications, membership in relevant societies or professional organizations.Always show and dont tell when it comes to results. Illustrate and quantify measurable achievements, such as in cost savings, efficiency or productivity. Dont be vague.6.Leave Out Unnecessary Characteristics and AffiliationsReserve personal beliefs, commitments and philosophies for personal conversations. Commitments to political causes may be relevant if you can show the bottom line and how it relates to a specific ECQ, such as political appointee experience.Never identify your national origin, sex, race, religion, marital status, age, sexual orientation or disability status. These are non-merit factors and dont hold relevance.Writing about yourself as a professional through executive core qualifications will open your eyes to your leadership skills and experience, building your con fidence and sense of authority. You are applying because you know you have what it takes.Now, its time to demonstrate that on paper. Show, dont tell with concise, relevant and measurable details, using the proper format and tone. Be dynamic and friendly, but dont express yourself too casually or formally. Show them what you can do.RelatedHow to Write a Federal ResumeMillennial career expert Sarah Landrum is the founder of Punched Clocks, a career blog focused on helping you find happiness in life and at work. For more advice from Sarah, subscribe to her newsletter and follow her on social media SarahLandrum.HAVE TWO MINUTES?Learn how Jobscan can optimize your resume for the tech used by fruchtwein recruiters.How to Scan a Resume with Jobscan (208)Explore the Resume Match Report (223)???Full text tutorialGet your own reportFacebook Commentswpdevar_comment_1 span,wpdevar_comment_1 iframewidth100% important

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The How Do I Find the Best Accredited Resume Writing Service Diaries

The How Do I Find the Best Accredited Resume Writing Service Diaries Choosing a Professional Resume Writer is a great idea for the majority of professionals since resume writing is a distinctive skill. Resume writing fees vary greatly and it can be inviting to look for the fruchtwein affordable option. Basically, writing skills really make a difference in the way you encounter. Resume writing is the main step in presenting your abilities and receiving the job that you desire. The Little-Known Secrets to How Do I Find the Best Accredited Resume Writing Service Offering free resume reviews is one method to locate clients. Its also important to review what sorts of tafelgeschirrs are provided by the firm. My site is your very best solution if you are fighting with the decision on which service you need to choose. How to discover the ideal executive resume writing service can be as simple as picking up the telephone. Needless to say, the best method to discover such assistan ce is if you take a look into the top rated professional resume writing services reviews. Now you know how to discover the ideal executive resume writing service, youre prepared to begin your search. Its extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to avoid low high quality services. When you are working to select the best resume writing service to enhance your resume, its simple to be overwhelmed with options. How Do I Find the Best Accredited Resume Writing Service Fundamentals Explained My intention is to make an unbiased evaluation of a number of the top resume writing companies by checking out reviews from different clients and making a purchase to personally check the grade of service they give. Its important to employ a service which offers you a wonderful price for top quality. Our services wont only demonstrate your value as an employee to prospective organizations, theyll also convince you of your very own expert worth. The s ervice of Resumarea is given to clients at a sensible price that correlates to the value of your self-presentation. First impressions matter, which is the reason why the best resume writing services might be big asset for you. If you take a close look at the list, youll notice that it isnt difficult to compare and review the qualities of the companies and choose the best one. Dont forget that several people would advertise their writing services on websites like Craigslist or another on-line websites. The good thing is that the best resume writers arent necessarily the costliest ones.